Writing, Again
This is rather embarrassing. When I submitted my final year project in 2015, I swore that I will never try to write anything formal in English. And yet I am spending time to set this website up, and yet I am trying to write some English. I guess if I write some broken English then I can get away with it. Yo how about dat m8?
A few days ago, while wandering on github I discovered kkdai’s github repo, and it immediately got my attention. Can I do something like that? It will be a huge dedication! It will be super rewarding if I did end up pushing myself to learn and do something every week! It was a hard call. At some point I even wanted to ignore it. Just pretend that you have never seen it and walk away. But something inside me could not let it go. Somethin’.
How hard is actually going to be? I tried to analyse the risk. And here were my initial thoughts:
- I define what to do. I don’t have to implement Pagerank if it is a complex task! Well I actually don’t know how complex it is and will probably add this to the backlog at some point. So in terms of technical difficulty, it can not be hard.
- I am lazy and big projects with large number of stories put me off. But at the same time I like numbers, achieving high ranks in Hearthstone or running at a new high pace makes me happy. Then this project can do exactly the same! The one week span keeps the footprint of the projects small and rewarding. Do, finish, chill and start something new again.
- I always wanted to do something as a side project outside my work. And always fail to keep it up. Hopefully I am going to fail find a valid excuse to not do this.
- Wait a minute, I cycled to work more than 90% of the time for the past 11 months! Who says I can’t keep doing something.
So, without further ado, here is the First Post on this blog and this will finish the first project.
for i := 0; i < 52; i++ {